Bitty Bot

Testing Library for Bitty Bot Rover. Version 2 of a Bitty Bot Motor Library, not working correctly. For something that is working, that this library was based from see the testing-class branch of this repository. Updated for testing Sept 4, 2016


TODO: Describe the installation process


Put BittyBot folder in your libraries directory, restart the IDE, and test it out.

A number of changes have happened to update the library:

include "BittyBot2.h"

create a BittyBot object -

BittyBot BittyBot2(PWMLPin, PWMRPin, L1Pin, L2Pin, L3Pin, L4Pin);

BittyBot.begin(); // This setups the pins for output, it sets a speed of zero, and sets the drive pins to low, and calibrates the wheels to the magnetic sensor BittyBot.Speed(LeftSpeed, RightSpeed); BittyBot.update(); //checks to see if motors have been running for a specific time period. Time is passed with the movement commands BittyBot.leftTight(time); //turn in place to the left BittyBot.rightTight(time); //turn in place to the right BittyBot.left(time); //turn left going forward BittyBot.stop(); //stop all motors and pwm. No delay BittyBot.right(time); //turn right going forward BittyBot.forward(time); //move the robot forward BittyBot.back(time); // move the robot backward BittyBot.IsRunning(); //returns a 1 if the motors should be on and running, and a zero if they should be off and stopped. This can be used for loops, or for checks to see if it really is moving BittyBot.calibrate(); //used by the begin sub-routine, could be used to reset the wheels if you think they have gotten too far from each other. Does not reset the drive pins to low, so a stop just after might be needed.

See Library Sketch for some examples.


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request


LeRoy Miller

This is my very 2nd Arduino Library, it was not as easy to convert the class sketch to a library, and this library is currently broken. Oct 3, 2015


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