1.54" TFT Game Pad with TouchScreen

Physical Resolution : 240x240 (The software Resolution is set to 480x480 for the more larger display area)
With touch function (The game don't have touch function. Because the Retropie OS don't support touch)
Provide Raspbian and Retropie OS images and drivers
Support Raspberry Pi 2B/3B+/Zero W


Using your own Raspbian OS install worked the best for me. Download, and install the OS as normal, setup your wifi, and ssh (if you want it).

Next download the LCD-show-190115.tar.gz drivers.
copy the above file to your SD card, and untar using
tar xvf LCD-show.tar.gz
cd LCD-show
for the 1.54" screen run, the LCD154-show script to install, the raspberry pi will reboot.
sudo ./LCD154-show

That it.
A keypad test program is also provided, and can also be found here: keytest.zip