Outline Script for Star Wars Day, Hero Junior.

10 minute target.

One of the Hero Videos on Youtube had a “checkout” video. It was just simple one step checks, but it struck me as interesting as it reminded me of stuff you would hear going on while you were in space. A bunch of boring equipment checkout sequences. Might appeal to kids or set background. I was thinking that doing this in the dead time before the demo might be entertaining.


(That is the original startup, my startup tests are a little different, but similar)

Mine: https://youtu.be/ipSUzAiHT50?t=3m2s

dont get a woki mad.

hyperdrive button

Timing will be a major issue with this demo, so hopefully we can pull it off.

What about:

1) Star Wars Opening music (44 seconds)

speak over top “Welcome to Star Wars Day.”

2) wait for end of music, rewrite test2() subroutine for Star Wars day.

Play Rebel Music while testing…(? might be too long of a file or cause a delay with random sounds?)

a. battery voltage

b. ultrasonic

c. light test

d. sound test

e. play daisy (not really a Star Wars thing, but it’s important for all > Robots to know)

f. drive motor testing

g. random star wars sound 1

h. random star wars sound 2

i. random star wars sound 3

j. Test leds

k. cylon test

3) speak “I am a Hero Junior Robot, and one of my favorite movies is”

speak “Star Wars, I wish I could fight against the “

play imperial music (37 seconds)

speak “Empire alongside my friends

4) wait till imperial ends: play 2 r2d2 sounds (short 2 seconds to 4 seconds) play C3PO sound

(2 or 3 seconds), speak “R 2 D 2 and C 3 P O”

5) wait for all sounds to finish.

6) speak “but I must admit I am a little afraid of…… “ play R2D2 jawa/scream

7) wait for end sound, play Darth Vader breathing. backup a foot(ish) speak “Darth Vader. “

8) speak “Where’s my blaster”, play blaster sound, cylon leds (2 cycles)

9) wait for sounds to end. Move forward 1 foot(ish) speak “Did I get him? Oh I think I just scared him off.”

10) speak “Wasn’t expecting that from a Happy Dancing Robot? “ play star-wars-cantina (2.50 minutes) Dance routine

11) cyclon(5) - cycle the leds 5 times

11a) May The Force Be With you. mp3

12) speak “Hit a button on my keypad to hear a Star Wars”

speak “Sound. Hit E to start over”

13) random star wars sound routine - E key with go back to number 1

any other key will play a random sound (without doing much more, it will be completely random for each key)

14) Time out and return to number 1 after about 30 seconds (? longer? shorter?)

xxx mousebot. joystick remote,

ultrasonic demo blocks obstacles

joystick demo (pre program) in between. grand poo bah


badfeel.mp3 - Luke I have a bad feeling about this 2 seconds (renamed) 1.

blaster.mp3 - blaster sound <1 second

breath.mp3 - Darth Vader 4 seconds

c3po.mp3 -"I am C3PO human...." 3 seconds

carpet.mp3 - Leia "Walking carpet" 3 seconds

checked.mp3 - Vader Send a scanning crew.... 3 seconds

crops.mp3 - Han Solo - Traving thur hyperspace 3 seconds

deity.mp3 - C3PO I believe they think I am a deity 43 seconds

detonatr.mp3 - C3PO because he's holding a thermal detonatr - 2 seconds

disturb.mp3 - Luke & Obi Wan - Another Great Disturbance - 10 seconds disturb.mp3 renamed

droid2.mp3 - R2D2 sounds 1 second

droid3.mp3 - R2D2 sounds (streaming may not work with MP3 player)?

droids.mp3 - This aren't the Droids ObiWan - 21 seconds

ewokpara.mp3 - Ewok parade - 34 seconds

faith.mp3 - I find your lack of faith distrubing - Vader - 3 seconds

fire.mp3 - You may fire when ready - Govener Tarkin - 1 seconds

force.mp3 - the force will be with you always - Obiwan - 2 seconds

force1.mp3 - same as above, better version - 3 seconds

force2.mp3 - May the Force Be With you -Han Solo - 2 seconds

fstrong.mp3 - Vader The force is strong with this one 1 second - (renamed)

helpme.mp3 - Leia - Help me Obi Wan - 3 seconds

humnbehv.mp3 - C3PO - sometimes I just don't understand 2 seconds

imperial.mp3 - Imperial March 37 seconds

jawascr.mp3 - Jawa R2D2 scream 2 seconds

jawastun.mp3 - Jawa Stun gun - 1 seconds

luck.mp3 - Obi Wan - 3 seconds

master.mp3 - Vader 6 seconds

notout.mp3 - Han Solo 2 seconds

plans.mp3 - Vader - 6 seconds - Command Tear this ship apart I want those plans

princess.mp3 - Luke and Han Solo talking about Princess Leia - 21 seconds

r2d2wst1.mp3 - R2D2 sounds 1 second

r2d2wst2.mp3 - R2D2 sounds (who me) 1 second

r2d2wst3.mp3 - R2D2 sound (nice sound) - 2 second

r2d2wst4.mp3 - R2D2 sound (frustration sound?) - streaming ?

r2d2wstl.mp3 - R2D2 sound 1 second

R2D2.mp3 - R2D2 sound 2 seconds - (renamed)

rebel.mp3 - Rebel Theme Music - 4 minutes long (long long) (renamed) rebel.mp3 (renamed)

remotes.mp3 - Han Solo - Good against remotes.... 5 seconds

reward.mp3 - Han Solo - No Reward is worth this... 2 seconds

saberoff.mp3 - 1 seconds

saberon.mp3 - streaming(?)

sandppl.mp3 - Obi-Wan - Sand people are easy - 6 seconds sandppl.mp3 (renamed)

scum.mp3 - Obi-Wan - Mosily Space port you'll never find.... 10 seconds

starwars.mp3 - Episode 4 opening music - 44 seconds

cantina.mp3 - Cantina Song - 2:47 seconds (renamed)

swvader03 - Vader - Yes my master - 1 seconds vader03.mp3 (renamed)

wait.mp3 - C3PO - wait a minute - 1 seconds

duelfate.mp3 - Dual of Fates song - 4:14 seconds - another long one, great song thou.


Additional clips: “One small step for man” (might be too old). (Not really a Star Wars thing) May “You may fire when ready” Governor Tarkin

  1. Maintenance self checkout

Maintenance self check “current date/time” initiated. (No Real Time clock in mine)

Check Left turn. (robot turns left) - Sure

Check Right Turn (robot turns right) - Sure

Check Forward (robot moves forward) - Sure

Check Reverse (robot moves backwards) - Sure

Check module temperature (robot speaks current temperature). - No Temperature module - Battery Voltage sure.

Robot diagnostics completed successfully. Terminate self checkout

  1. Robot repeats self checkout again after appropriate interval (or > alternate checkouts).

  2. Voice introduction by the Hero Junior. Star Wars Day, December 12 > 2015 at the Midpointe Library, West Chester, Ohio.

  3. Play StarWars Sound Effects (Introduction)

beep light saber up down, darth vader breathing,blaster firing, you may fire when ready.

episode 4 theme music.

interactive pushbutton.

music 1 (include dance motion?) This is the epsiode 4 entro music, so very dramatic - probably don’t want to much random movement. (apx 45 seconds long)

music 2 (motion) Darth vader intro music, again dramatic, may not want to much movement, maybe LEDs while firing blaster. (Imperial March - apx 37 seconds long)

c3pO 3 (motion) Only a few clips of C3PO, range from apx 2 seconds to 45 secs. Only going to use one clip in intro - other clips in random button pushes.

blaster sound (motion) What about spinning around as he fires the blaster. (LEDs for blaster as well) less than a second.

rebel music (motion) Dramatic music, not sure? (Apx 4 mins...need something big to do with this)

cantina (moving around suggested) For sure, this is fun dancy kind of music that goes for like 2 minutes 50 secs.

darth vader (motion) (He’s scared, maybe backup a little bit) (Breath Sounds apx 4 seconds)

r2d2 sounds (motion) Yes, not sure what type of motion thou. (got quite a few r2 sounds most are about 2 or 3 seconds, some are shorter and some longer) - Only a hand full in intro - reset in button pushes.

R2D2 getting shot by jawas - might be something we could do in intro (?)

Hokey Pokey Music with motion Want more movement :-)

5. Wait for button pushes for “random” star wars sounds effects of other things. Time out after while, will restart from step 1. (maybe do cyclon led cycle while waiting for button push)